The complete records of four of Germany’s greatest WWI flying aces are examined in this spectacular follow-up to Under the Guns of the Red Baron. 124 victories are recorded and analysed, with accompanying photographs, maps, and artwork. The four men profiled are: Max Immelmann, the famed “Eagle of Lille”; Werner Voss, member of the famed fighting units Jasta 2 and Jasta 5, and commander of Jasta 10; Herman Goring, later recognized as the head of Germany’s Luftwaffe during WWII; and finally Lothar yon Richthofen, who achieved 40 combat victories between 1917 and 1918. For their accomplishments, these four men were all awarded Germany’s highest award for bravery in action, the “Blue Max”. Postage & Packing £4.50. Overseas please enquire.