M.I.D. 11.6.1918 Temporary Captain Salonica.
Awarded the Greek Order of King George 1st, 4th Class Officers with swords in silver-gilt and enamel.
London Gazette 29.9.1922, only 31 awarded to British recipients in World War One for service in Salonica.
First served 17.8.1915 Egypt Lieutenant 40 Remount Squadron, 41st Remount D.A.D. Remounts Major, Army of the Black Sea 1919-1921
Home was in 1950 Brook, Horrabridge, Yelverton, Devon. He was the author of various books including Country, Sport, Fishing etc. He has a large writeup Felstead Register.
Sold with some pages of War Diary or Intelligence summary which covers distribution of horses/mules to various divisions and disposing of the same, 67 horses totalling £2694 and 445 mules £17,890!